3rd of May 2024
  • Location: , , Orlando , Florida , United States

Declared publication language: English (US)

Softaken CSV to VCF converter software

A Softaken CSV to VCF converter software is a tool that converts a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file, typically used to store contacts or address book information, into a VCF (Virtual Contact File) format. VCF files are commonly used to store and exchange contact information across different platforms and devices. The CSV to VCF converter software typically works by importing the CSV file and mapping the fields of the CSV file to the corresponding fields in the VCF format. This mapping process allows the software to extract the contact information from the CSV file and format it into the VCF format. Some CSV to VCF converter software may also include additional features such as the ability to customize the VCF output format, preview the contacts before conversion, and batch conversion of multiple CSV files. Read More:- https://www.softakensoftware.com/csv-to-vcf-converter.html

Price: 29 USD

Expiration date: 1st of October 2023

ID: 1772